Tag: White Stone Farm
A Cool Reprieve
Oh, how wonderful this summer has become. While we steeled ourselves for the baking heat, oven-like conditions, lack of water, dry and dust…Mother Nature instead has given us a beautiful reprieve of cool temperatures and rain. Blessed be this unusual summer where every day feels like spring! December and January…
The Perils of Permaculture visits
This farm has helped us learn things about ourselves. It’s tested our strength, our resolve, our relationship and challenged our perceptions on many things. I realise that I am not a fan of the hot, dry summer. Growing up near temperate rainforest, I’m a green forest child and I miss…
Resilience of Chickens
Chickens are amazing creatures. They are really tough in many respects and really fragile in others. A chest infection or eggbound oviduct can kill them quickly, whereas grave wounds can just seem like an annoyance and they pull through. Take, for example, one of our beautiful, big Light Sussex girls.…
Springing our way into greenery!
Spring is finally here at White Stone Farm. Hooray! Winter was frosty and we got a good dose of rain. Our water channeling system successfully harvested rainwater throughout winter, with our drainage channels filling and slowly but surely moving the water across the block, collecting in small pools along…
Hazy shade of Winter
Poultry Politics
Our poultry are an important part of White Stone Farm. They are our natural insect control, fertilizer makers and feathery entertainers. (And one day, some of them will make it to the dinner table as well). Poultry are fascinating. The way the chickens go about their business in their endless search for…